Thursday, March 15, 2012

KONY 2012: State Propaganda for a New Generation

KONY 2012 is a viral sensation that swept the entire world in less than 24 hours. Its main subject is the African rebel leader Joseph Kony, his war crimes and the clearly defined “movement” to stop him.  Countless celebrities have endorsed the movement, news sources have reported it and social media is buzzing with it. While the problem of guerrilla warfare and child soldiers has plagued Africa for decades, and several documentaries have already been produced regarding the issue, this particular 29-minute video made managed to obtain mass exposure and support.
KONY 2012 is less of a documentary than it is a highly efficient infomercial that is tailor-made for the Facebook generation, using state-of-the-art marketing techniques to make its point. Young people like “underground movements” and want to feel like they are changing the world. KONY 2012 taps into these needs to bring about something that is not “hip” or “underground” at all: A military operation in Uganda. Not only that, it urges the participants of the movement to order stuff, to wear bracelets that are associated with an online profile and to record their actions in social media. This makes KONY 2012 the first artificially created movement that is fully track-able, monitor-able and quantifiable by those who engendered it. In other words, what appears to be a movement “from the people” is actually a new way for the elite to advance its agenda.

A Propaganda Experiment

The video begins with an interesting statement: “The next 27 minutes are an experiment. But in order for it to work, you have to pay attention”. It is an experiment as it tests a new, groundbreaking way to get an agenda accepted by the Facebook generation. In the past, when the government needed to justify the invasion of a country, the President would sit in front of the camera and tell the public why war should be declared in this area of the world. In the case of KONY, the military agenda is disguised as grassroots activism, where the US army entering Uganda would be perceived as a “victory of the people”, effectively reversing the communications model.
Towards the end of the video, an image is displayed explaining how decisions (and messages) start from the top of the pyramid (the elite) and are communicated to the masses through mass media and such.
Due to the advent of social media, the above diagram has become a lot less effective to get a message across to the young generation. It is not CNN reports and the President addressing the nation anymore, it is about “liking” Facebook pages and viral YouTube videos. This is where messages now come across. Always studying, analyzing and exploiting the most effective ways to persuade public opinion, KONY 2012 appears to be an attempt to test out the effectiveness of a “viral” propaganda campaign. By creating this “movement” and making young people actually DEMAND the U.S. government intervene in Africa, the masterminds behind this campaign would manage the impossible: Reversing the propaganda model in order to make it emanate from the people. By doing so, the elite’s agenda is not only accepted by the masses, it is perceived as a victory by them.
"We are living in a new world" indeed. The KONY 2012 logo aptly represents how a viral video and social media can reverse the propaganda model. Don't be fooled however. Power is still not in the hands of the base of the pyramid ... far from it. It is all about appearances.
When the war on Iraq was declared, a great portion of young Americans opposed the war. How is it they are now begging the government to send troops to Africa? A simple video, specifically conceived for the Facebook generation did the trick. As it is the case in most campaigns to justify a war, the first goal was to identify a bad guy. 

‘Contagion’ or How Disaster Movies “Educate” the Masses

Hollywood movies are usually presented as a form of entertainment, but their plots often conceal a specific agenda. “Disaster movies”, films about the end of the world through various mass crises, are particularly interesting as they all follow the same basic formula and glorify the same entities. In this article, we’ll look at the disaster movie ‘Contagion’ and how it “teaches” its viewers who to trust and who not to trust during a crisis.
Most people watch movies to be entertained. Well, I for one can say that there was absolutely nothing entertaining about Contagion. In fact, the only difference between this movie and state-sponsored educational movies shown in schools is that with Contagion you actually have to pay to be indoctrinated … and to see Matt Damon. During the cold war, students were shown videos instructing them to “Duck and Cover” in case of a nuclear attack. Contagion conditions the masses to expect martial law and to throw themselves at the first available vaccine in case of a crisis.
Featuring Hollywood mega-stars like Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow, Contagion is a big-ticket Hollywood movie, but also an infomercial promoting specific national and international agencies while encouraging specific behaviors from the public. The plot of the movie appears to follow the big H1N1 scare of 2009 that left many citizens uncertain about the actual risk of the virus. Indeed, after months of terrifying news crowned by a massive vaccination campaign, an important portion of the population concluded that the H1N1 scare was grossly exaggerated and and thought that a vaccine was unnecessary. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Promotional poster for Britney Spears' Till the World Ends tour. A reader of the site took the time to highlight the three 6's in the tour name. Also, of course, one of Britney's eyes is hidden.

February fashion show of brand Sibling in London. The combination of faceless models, Mickey Mouse ears and feline prints make this show an all-Mind-Control extravaganza.

This controversial photoshoot in Pop Magazine features a 16 year old model sexualized, brutalized and posing with naked women. Here, she is choked by an unseen man.

A continuation of the agenda to sexualize minors.

The children's series My Little Poney often contains Illuminati themes and symbolism. In this screenshot, we see the exact logo of the elite Bohemian Club on the cover of a book.

New York's St. John the Divine Cathedral, (its strange symbolism and NWO agenda was already discussed in the article entitled Sinister Sites: St. John the Divine Cathedral) has a new bizarre display: A circle of horned animal skulls. Placed right inside the Cathedral, the exposition looks like the site of a black magic ritual.

Close-up of the skulls. Thanks to the reader who sent in the pics.

A mysterious Egyptian sarcophagus at Whitney Houston's funeral. Was this an "input" of the occult group behind her sacrifice? We know that elite secret societies are well versed in Egyptian magic, especially the Book of the Dead.


Strange and significant events occurred during the month of February and many symbolic pics appeared in mass media. Here’s this month Symbolic Pics of the Month featuring Lana Del Rey, Kate Moss, Lindsay Lohan and more.
"Pop's new phenomenon" Lana Del Rey on the cover of Lovecat magazine. She's hiding one eye and showing who she's down with.

Kate Moss' photoshoot in W magazine has is drenched in occult symbolism. The two alternate covers and the entire shoot refer to the concept of duality.

Dressed in white, Moss looks somewhat possessed and holds a cross in order for it to appear upside-down. The symbol of the inverted cross is used in Satanism.

Here, sporting a big fat pair of Baphomet horns.

Nun suit and sexy spandex always make for a "controversial" image. Even though it has been done hundreds of time, to the point that it is becoming a propaganda tool, some douchebag somewhere will always qualify it as "artistic". Also, for some reason, there's a head in jar in the background.

The Occult Symbolism of the Los Angeles Central Library

Built in 1926, the Central Library is an important landmark of downtown Los Angeles. It is the central piece of one of the largest publicly funded library systems in the world, the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL). Most touristic pamphlets describe the building’s design to be inspired by ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Revival architecture. As we will see, this choice of design is not simply an aesthetic one, it rather recalls the teachings and the symbolism of the ancient mystery schools of Antiquity.  In fact, after decoding the library’s many esoteric features, we can safely say that the building is mainly inspired by Freemasonry, which is, in turn, heavily steeped in ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean mysteries.
The Egyptian Room of a Masonic Lodge attest to the great importance of Egyptian mysteries in Masonic lore.
The Library’s tiled pyramid, two sphinxes, celestial mosaics and other details turn this public space into a true occult temple. Furthermore, the library is definitely built with an elitist state of mind. The true meaning of the art on display seems to be solely intended for initiates of secret societies and not the masses.  Before we examine the building’s most important features, let’s look at the background of its builders.

Prophetic Pillars on St. John the Divine Cathedral?

One of the first articles published on this site was Sinister Sites – St. John the Divine Cathedral, where I’ve described the building’s occult symbolism and its role in the United Nations’ efforts to push a single world religion. Probably the most shocking part of that article was the pictures of the columns, conceived in 1997,  depicting the destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers). The Church was named after St. John the Divine, the author of the Book of Revelation.
The original article showed only two of these columns (the others were not visible at the time I took the pics). Since then however, the other pillars are visible and their symbolism is as esoteric and mysterious as those originally posted. Here they are (in no particular order).
The columns are placed next to the Cathedral’s entrance, under saintly figures.
Posted in the original article on St. John the Divine, this pillar depicts an apocalyptic New York city being engulfed by enormous waves.
Also posted in the original article, this column depicts the destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge. Underneath is the New York stock market and people trading goods. Is this a reference to the Babylon of the Revelation?
Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
A scene depicting a birth from some kind of flower, surrounded by mummies and above a lamb with its legs tied. Who is being born? Is the Anti-Christ who is said by the Book of Revelation to the beast “coming up out of the earth; and had two horns like a lamb“? Underneath is a spiral vortex (symbolizing change of consciousness?) and people apparently praising or worshipping the figure.
Pillar symbolizing death with the “wheel within a wheel, full of eyes all around” from the vision in the beginning of the book of Ezekiel.
Pillar with the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The Book of Revelation is said to be encoded with Kabbalistic numerology to reveal its esoteric meaning.
The man above the Tree of Life is also uncharacteristic for a Cathedral. It is one-eyed (see the Eye of Horus) and wears a huge clear quartz amulet, which is said to have magical and metaphysical properties.
Little to no documentation exists about the meaning of the pillars and the rest of the Cathedral contains a lot of art with strange symbolism alluding to catastrophe and a new era. Strange place.